Fail Fast, Fail Early

February 26th, 2024 | Aaron Sayles

Farewell & New Beginnings: ChronRunner Software Evolves

Hi everyone,

For those following the journey of ChronRunner, I have an update about ChronRunner Software, LLC. We've made the difficult decision to retire the invoicing software for freelancers, effectively discontinuing paid offerings while keeping the website operational for now.

This wasn't an easy choice. While we explored options to attract customers and expand features, the market proved highly saturated with similar solutions. While this wasn't entirely unexpected, I'm proud of what we achieved.

Beyond the software itself, ChronRunner served as a valuable learning experience. It allowed me to fulfill the goal of creating a product I would have used as a freelancer, taking an idea from conception to a final, usable product under my own company umbrella. The learning curve was immense, and I cherish the experience.

This, however, is not the end of the road. With great enthusiasm, I'm excited to announce the rollout of my next project: Tranquil Expanse, an online guided journal and resource.

Guided journaling has become a growing area of interest for me, and I've personally found it incredibly beneficial. I believe others may benefit from it as well, so I encourage you to check out Tranquil Expanse if you're interested.

Moving forward, the ChronRunner website will gradually transition to showcase the diverse software products of ChronRunner Software, LLC. This won't happen overnight, but I'm thrilled about what the future holds.

Thank you for reading! I truly appreciate your continued support and hope you'll stick around to explore the exciting things to come.

Written by

Aaron Sayles

Owner, All-The-Things